Ep. 8: Talking Star Wars: The Force Awakens (which was awesome)
It's another Our Monkeys, My Circus Podcast, and on the latest episode, the eight-year-old and I review Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There are spoilers, obviously, so if you haven't seen the movie, please skip this episode until you have. Or, alternatively, if you have no intentions of ever seeing the movie but enjoy hearing two goofballs mindlessly flapping their gums, listen away.
Either way, we talk about: the similarities between The Force Awakens and A New Hope; our favorite Star Wars droids (BB-8 v. R2-D2); the best Star Wars fighter pilot (Poe vs. Luke vs. Han); the mysteries that are Kylo Ren, Finn and Rey; the biggest shockers; and our theories about what will happen in future movies.
Extra spoiler: I'm predicting that at some point Lando Calrissian will open a beauty salon and the mustache-perm combo will again become an intergalactic sensation.
Added bonus: We mentioned it in the last podcast, but here's a Star Wars-themed origami how-to, courtesy of the eight-year-old's brain. You're welcome in advance.
(Dec. 2015)
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