Ep. 14: Talking summer, little bros and kindergarten debuts
Five years ago, our oldest began kindergarten. His little brother was a few days shy of his first birthday, and our mornings consisted of bus-stop drop-offs and figuring out how to co-exist; I worked while he played, ate and pooped. It wasn't exactly a symbiotic relationship -- or at least it didn't feel like it at the time.
Now that the little one is in kindergarten -- we loaded him onto the bus an hour ago -- and it's just me and the dog, the mornings are weird. Weirdly quiet, weirdly ... boring. I can probably get used to boring -- it's my default setting, but it'll take some adjusting.
In the meantime, the podcast is back, after a brief 10-month hiatus! And to commemorate the soon-to-be six-year-old's public-school debut, he makes a guest appearance.